Arden’s Whimsical toddler SEssion

I’m thrilled to share of few of the images from this adorable girl’s fall photo session.  Sometimes photographing young toddlers can be challenging because they are SO active, but this sweet baby was so happy and cheerful and made my job easy.  Those eyes!!

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Olivia’s Rosy Newborn Session

I am so excited to share a few photos from this precious girl’s newborn session.  It was so much fun hanging out with this sweet little ball of angel baby cuteness.  Congratulations to this lovely family!


Smiley and Sunny Newborn session

Baby Blue Newborn Session

How sweet is this precious little baby I had the chance to photograph a couple weekends ago?!?  Every time I have a newborn session I am surprised by how TEENY they are, and all of a sudden my two kids seems huge by comparison.  I love capturing the details of newborn babies, from their wispy hair to their wrinkled toes.  It is also so special to document a mom and dad with their newest addition – that kind of love is a beautiful sight.  Congratulations to this adorable family!
